Parent Club
Child, Teacher and Parent is the best trio
Yes, we mean it. We believe in strong, positive and focused relationship between these three elements to support child’s growth, development and learning.
Dear parents, you can contribute a lot to bring out best in your child.
How do we do this?
The school arranges various formal and informal meetings, gatherings and celebrations with the parents on regular basis. It comprise of parent orientation, culmination, father and child activity, mother and child activity, lecture by the counselors on parenting. We also encourage parents to participate in school programs such rally for creating awareness for voting, Dindi procession, educational tours etc.
In addition to this we also encourage parents to meet the teacher with prior appointment on Friday, to interact with the class teacher. We encourage parents with various professions and skill sets to have sessions with our children and parents on different topics.

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Keep in Touch
The Beamish International Pre-school, Empire Estate, Row House No-09 Chinchwad, Pune – 19
Contact No:
+91- 96 89 021 122 / 96 89 021 144